Biosafety Level 1 Laboratory Inspection Self-Assessment Tool Step 1 of 8 12% Are you the Principal Investigator (PI)?* Yes No Name* First Last Email* Phone*List the Building and Room Number for all BSL-1 labs included in this self-assessment.*(Click on the "+" button to add additional buildings and rooms).Building NameRoom Number Facility PracticesIs access to the lab area(s) restricted?(i.e., controlled by the lab supervisor) Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in making your lab(s) more secure?Is food and drink prohibited inside the lab? Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in communicating the prohibition of food and drink in the lab? HousekeepingIs the lab maintained in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition? Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in attaining and maintaining a clean, orderly and sanitary lab space?Have lab personnel observed insect or rodent pests in the lab facilities? Yes No Contact Facilities Services at (865) 946-7777 to report a pest problem.Are work surfaces disinfected routinely? Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in attaining and maintaining disinfected surfaces?Is there evidence of unattended spills? Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in preventing unattended spills? Sharps and Biological Waste Disposal PracticesDo you use needles or other sharps? Yes No Needles and other sharps are disposed of in appropriate sharps container? Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in sharps management?Are needles intentionally bent, broken, or recapped (without exemption)? Yes No Needles should not be bent, broken, or recapped without specific exemption. Contact the Biosafety Office at (865) 974-1938 for assistance in sharps management.Do you use biological waste containers? Yes No Are biological waste containers properly labeled, leak-proof, lined with a biohazard bag, and equipped with a closure? Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in biohazardous waste management?Are biohazardous wastes segregated, treated and disposed according to guidance found on the Biohazardous Waste Mangement page of the Biosafety website?Biohazardous Waste Management Yes No Contact the Biosafety Office at (865) 974-1938 for assistance with Biohazardous Waste Management. Hygiene and Primary Containment MeasuresIs a hand washing sink equipped with soap and hand towels available inside the lab? Yes No Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Are gloves readily available? Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in determining and implementing the proper use of hand protection?Are lab coats readily available? Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in determining and implementing the proper use of lab coats?Is eye protection readily available? Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in determining and implementing the proper use and care of eye protection? Biosafety Resources and DocumentationHave all lab personnel completed the Initial Biosafety Training located at the link below to access the Initial Biosafety Training Yes No If no, please have lab personnel complete the training found at the link below to access the Initial Biosafety Training spill response plans accessible to all lab personnel? Yes No In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in preparing and implementing the lab specific spill response plan?Do you ship biological materials or dry ice? Yes No Does the laboratory use a shipping designee? Yes No List the responsible personnel:In what ways can the Biosafety Office assist you in the proper shipping of dangerous goods? NIH GuidelinesDoes the lab work with recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules? Yes No Has a recombinant DNA registration been submitted to the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)? Yes No Contact the Biosafety Office at (865) 974-1938 or by email to for additional information. Δ