An updated edition of the Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Exposure Control Plan (ECP) covering personnel working with human blood, body fluids, tissues and cell lines in research settings at the Knoxville area campuses can be found at This document has been developed and implemented to meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030). The objectives of the Exposure Control Plan are to:
- Identify activities and tasks that involve the use of human-derived materials that may contain BBP and are regarded as potentially infectious (occupational exposure determination);
- Provide information to affected supervisors and employees* on procedures and regulations regarding BBP;
- Protect affected employees from health hazards associated with BBP;
- Provide information on appropriate treatment and counseling to affected employees exposed to BBP.
*While OSHA standards apply directly to employees (personnel who are paid by the employer to perform work), it is prudent for supervisors to provide information and training to all personnel under their supervision, regardless of employment status. This standard of practice will reduce BBP exposure risk for everyone in the work environment.
The 2016-17 edition of the ECP has an updated safety contact list (front cover), reference to the new Risk Management Incident Report Form, revised Appendix E (site-specific training record) and other minor revisions. This ECP will be valid through October 31, 2017.
Print this edition of the ECP and replace any expired version(s). Ensure that all affected personnel are familiar with the contents and location of this document. You may refer to the online electronic version in lieu of keeping a hard copy; however, in the event of a regulatory audit, all affected personnel must be able to access the online document easily and without assistance.
Contact the Biosafety Office at (865) 974-1938 or if you have any questions or concerns regarding the scope or intent of this ECP.
Alternatively, you may contact Dr. Amy Knowles, Occupational Health Nurse, at (865) 974-5728, or Jacob Payne, UTIA Safety Coordinator, at (865) 974-4904.